Designing Clothes

photo1         Are you on your way to a prom or a wedding, whether traditional or “white”? Are you looking for something African and unique? Something that will portray where you are from and how proud you are to be from there? Or, you just want something that will make you rock a girls night out? Then, how about you choose what you want, and by that I mean, you imagine, and design what you want to wear. Yes, design. I hope that did not scare you because honestly, there is nothing to be scared about when it comes to designing your own outfits, because guess what, you will be wearing them. This is not the blow my trumpet, but when I decided to design my own prom dress as well as my date’s outfit, I had no idea we were going to win best dressed couple. I just knew that if we must look good for prom, it has to be something that I designed. So go head, it is okay if it your first time because there I always a first time for everything. If you do not know how don’t worry. Start by sketching out a basic idea of the design and if you get stuck somewhere, it perfectly fine to seek advice from your seamstress or tailor. Or see what I will be posting on here. LET GET CRAZY CRAFTY AND CREATIVE!!!!!

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