How To Redesign Old Flats

One of the most popular Ankara designs is with shoes/flats. Now this does not mean you actually make a pair of shoe yourself. That would be so cool. However, this means that you cover an old or an “ugly” looking shoes/flats with a fabric to give them a new, artistic, chic, or African look. I did this to my old pair of flats, and you can do same too. Here is how:

Things Needed:

  1. Desired piece of cloth
  2. Glue (Preferably E6000. It is water resistant)
  3. Mod Podge
  4. Skinny Scissors
  5. And? or Exacto knife

Step 1: Align cloth to the shoe. First, one the sides, the front and the back.

Step 2: Cut out the measurements of the sides about an inch more than what they exactly are.

Step 3: Apply glue (E6000) to the shoe and glue the appropriate cut-outs to the parts they are supposed to go.

Step 4: Wait for about 10 minutes to dry, then smear mod podge on the entire shoe. Let it sit until completely dry. The mod podge makes the shoe look less fabricy (I this is not a real word. I made it up).

Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the other pair, and you are ready to rock your new flats.

One comment on “How To Redesign Old Flats

  1. Ola Michael says:

    congratulations. Very creative. Keep it up. Will share on my page to inspire others.

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